Come To The Edge…

Many years ago, I went to a work conference. 

I’d been to a few before and I’ve been to many since but this one was held at Hepburn Springs (Victoria, Australia) on my 30th birthday thereby scuppering my fervent hope of Champagne Balloon Flight-ing my arrival at the Dirty Thirties (which I sulked about until birthday number 34, when I eventually got over myself and went).

But that wasn’t actually what I started out to share with you so getting back to my point…

…today I came across that conference’s theme, perfect then for a small to medium sized food and beverage company with aspirations to play with the big boys and today, a perfect pick-me-up from the doldrums I’ve seemed to find myself in of late…

Come to the edge, he said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them, and they flew…

Hope it gives you a little pick-me-up too…

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